One-on-One Learning

Canberra Christian School provides a variety of opportunities for students to develop their musical ability. Kindergarten learn the bells and have weekly music lessons with their classroom teacher. The Year 1 & 2 students are introduced to the Bucket Drums and learn to follow music. At the commencement of Year 3 and 4 students are given the opportunity to learn the Ukulele. As children then move into years 5 and 6 they are introduced to music theory and practical guitar.

We also have Music Teachers, external to the school, that come to the school and teach private lessons to children as requested.  This is an agreement the family makes with the teacher and all costs involved are settled between the external teacher and family.  Currently available are Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin. 

In addition to these regular programs, our school has a choir and a very comprehensive dance program called ‘‘Every Chance to Dance’’.

Going on excursions each term/year is a highlight for both our students and families at Canberra Christian School. Children look forward to the fantastic experiences and memories that are created outside of the traditional classroom environment.

From an educational point of view we place a high value on each excursion as we find that students visiting different educational facilities learn in a more hands-on and interactive manner than they typically would sitting in the classroom. And by seeing real-life applications of the lessons that they are learning in the classroom, children form a better understanding and appreciation of the importance and relevance of the educational content presented.

Excursions organised for each term are included in school fees except for our annual school trip that attracts a small cost after fundraising (approx $20-$50).Some examples of excursions include Cockington Green, Canberra Symphony, Canberra Zoo, Farmyard Nursery, Canberra Disposal, Overnight Trip to the Snow, Overnight Trip to Sydney, AIS, Big Splash, Stromlo Observation Centre, Law Courts etc.

Sport, Health and Physical Education are an integral part of the school’s curriculum for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Student involvement is high and all ages and ability levels are catered for through school and district programs. There is an emphasis on participation, skills training and sportsmanship at all times. Each term there is a clear focus for both Fitness and Sport.

All programs are either taught by  class teachers or are sporting professionals bought into the school to deliver programs. Such as the Woden Valley Gymnastics Club, Football ACT, Australian Tennis Coaching, Swimming lessons at Tuggeranong Leisure Centre, etc.

Our school values the relationship children have with the environment and animals in our world. There are fantastic opportunities in our school for children to participate in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program that enables them to not only plant and grow food but also harvest it and cook it into delicious meals. 

Some of the many animals that regularly visit our school are rabbits, chickens, dogs, fish, hermit crabs, etc. (note – all done according to health and safety regulations to ensure children are safe and enthusiastic about animals).

Language learning is an important part of the curriculum at Canberra Christian School. Mandarin  is the primary language taught for students in all years. The course objectives are to develop conversational language skills, foundational vocabulary development and a heightened cultural awareness.

Our school is founded on a tailored approach to learning which recognises that every student learns at a different pace. We follow the prescribed Australian Curriculum and our dedicated staff assess the learning needs of our students so that we can design individualised programs which unlock their full potential across all subjects. 

By placing children on levels of learning based on their outcomes, rather than chronological age, we ensure that student engagement is high and balanced with the right level of challenge for their individual learning journey. Inclusivity is at the heart of our ethos, underpinned by excellent care, guidance, and support. 

We believe in the capacity of every child to exceed their own expectations, and our track record of achievement for all students reflects this belief. For children with special educational needs, we offer additional support through in-class assistance and our successful intensive small group program. We collaborate closely with families to ensure that every child’s needs are met at school and home, giving them the best possible opportunity to thrive.


10 Character Traits

At CCS we believe success in life depends on a strong academic foundation, well-developed character strengths and a close relationship with the Heavenly Father. As a school we believe that it is our responsibility to help children foster these character strengths that are essential for their own success and well-being. 

CCS Character program focuses on the ten strengths that are critical for an engaged, happy and successful Christian life.

Eagerness to help others and improve the world around them.

Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others.
Philippians 2:4

Confidence of what is hoped for, joyful for what is obtained and certain of what they do not see.

The important thing is faith, the kind of faith that works through love.
Galatians 5:6

Perseverance and passion for long-term goals.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Regulating what one feels and does; being self-disciplined.

For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

Understanding the feelings of other and adapting actions accordingly.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

Enthusiastic and energetic participation in life.

Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart.
Colossians 3:23

Confidence in a future full of positive possibilities.

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

Eagerness to explore new things with openness.

Those who get wisdom do themselves a favour, and those who love learning will succeed.
Proverbs 19:8

Appreciation for the benefits we receive from others, and the desire to express thanks.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

The capacity to regulate one’s own responses so they align with short and long-term goals.

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
Proverbs 4:25

Chaplaincy & Wellbeing

Our Chaplaincy Program is embedded in our vision to provide holistic support for the wellbeing of all CCS students and families. This inclusive support program offers pastoral care, spiritual guidance, and social-emotional support to all members of our school community, regardless of their faith or beliefs. 

The role of our Chaplain encompasses a wide range of activities, including providing support during difficult situations, running weekly chapels, and mentoring students with behavioural or emotional needs. Our Chaplain also actively engages with students informally in the playground and formally through classroom visits and one-on-one sessions. Parents and teachers can refer students to the Chaplaincy service, and students can schedule their own sessions. 

Our Chaplain also collaborates with other school support services and networks to ensure comprehensive care for our students.

This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Wellbeing Program.

We are grateful for this support and acknowledge that the views expressed by our Chaplaincy Program do not necessarily represent those of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations.

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We warmly invite you to discover Canberra Christian School, nurturing young minds and hearts through our tailored learning approach for over 50 years. We look forward to meeting you and your family.